Book Review: The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell, Creating Your Own Epidemic

What causes an idea to stick? What makes an epidemic happen? How do I reach people on a greater scale? The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell answers these questions and so much more. Even though the book is approaching its 20th anniversary, the truths it reveals still hold true. If you want to create your own epidemic, you do not need an elaborate multi-million dollar marketing plan. What you need is people talking about your idea, business, or product and sharing it with people they know. The most effective advertising is word-of-mouth.

Get the Right People Talking

Want your idea to spread? You need to get the right people talking about your idea. There are three types of people you want to either be or be connected to.

  1. The Connectors
  2. The Mavens
  3. The Salesmen

The Connectors are the people who know everyone. Think about these people in your life. They probably have a wide social circle and literally seem like they have connections to everyone. If someone like this likes your product, they will tell so many how much they love it that it will spread like wildfire.

The Mavens are the people who are viewed as experts and highly respected for their opinions. When they give a recommendation for a restaurant, you know it must be good. When you aren’t sure what product to buy, you go to the Maven because chances are they have already researched it and can give you their educated opinion about what is best. People look to Mavens for their knowledge.

The Salesmen is the charismatic person. They carry themselves in a way that you sense they could sell a steak to a vegan. People listen to and follow them because of who they are. They make people feel more positive and excited just by being around them.

The Tipping Point Is Closer Than You Think

Word-of-mouth epidemics stem from those three types of people. Get those people talking and your business will grow, your ideas will spread further, and your influence will expand. There then will come a point where the epidemic tips and your product, book, or business becomes recognizable to a much broader audience. The right message in the wrong hands might lead you nowhere. The right message spread by the right people could make all the difference.

When starting a business or pursuing a lifelong dream, it can feel overwhelming. How will you ever make money doing any of this? How will I ever get connected to customers? What can I do so that people are begging me to present instead of me begging them? Apply these concepts. Begin making connections to the Connectors, Mavens, and Salesmen and, who knows, your dreams may become a reality.