The Art of Gift-Giving: Why Your Art is Your Greatest Gift

Image by Jackson David from Pixabay

Why do we give gifts? Are we looking to get something in return? Are we validating a relationship and deepening a bond? Is your gift simply an act of kindness and love? Are you giving to celebrate an occasion? Gift-giving is challenging. Is it going to be useful? Are my motivations pure? When is a gift just that, a gift, […]

Fear-Our Most Important Emotion

Image by My pictures are CC0. When doing composings: from Pixabay

I’ve always been fascinated with the emotion of fear. Fear is the most important emotion because fear is designed to protect us and help us survive. Am I safe? This is the foundational need for all humanity. Survival trumps anything else. If you do not feel safe, other needs become less important. Fear protects us from harm which keeps us […]

Are Monopolies Good for Consumers?

Image by J. Howell from Pixabay

Most people have likely played the Monopoly board game. What is the main goal? Basically, own everything. If you happen to own everything of a certain industry (color), even better. The more you own the higher the rent you can charge. The more rent you can charge the more likely you will be able to bankrupt your competitors and get […]