Finding Comfort In Historical Parallels, 1918 v. 2020

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

In the past 6 months, I’ve often heard the idea that the world has entered “unprecedented” times during the COVID-19 pandemic. On multiple occasions during the uncertainty of our current times, I’ve found great comfort in my history research for my historical fiction novel. Have the past 6 months been tumultuous? Absolutely! Are they “unprecedented”? Not really. History has a […]

Making a Dream Come Alive

Almost 4 years ago, I was in my first week of teaching. It was the second day of school and my first English class of the year. I knew that the best way to become a better writer was simple–to write. I wanted to instill that core belief in my students from the very beginning. I asked my students to […]

The Greatest Innovative Force in History

No, it’s not Google, Apple, Facebook, or Walmart. It’s not even a company. Innovation is driven by many different forces, but arguably the greatest innovative force in history is also the most destructive. Maybe you guessed it by now, it’s WAR. Origin of the Chariot Throughout the history of the world, war has left its mark on the world, mostly […]