The Greatest Innovative Force in History

No, it’s not Google, Apple, Facebook, or Walmart. It’s not even a company. Innovation is driven by many different forces, but arguably the greatest innovative force in history is also the most destructive. Maybe you guessed it by now, it’s WAR. Origin of the Chariot Throughout the history of the world, war has left its mark on the world, mostly […]

Pursuing Your Passion: My First Guitar Lesson

Recently I decided It is time to begin pursuing a passion of mine by taking my first paid guitar lesson. If I would say this has always been a passion of mine, I would be lying. For most of my childhood, I displayed little interest in music. I definitely was not listening to it on our dial-up Internet connection and […]

What I Learned from Watching the Avengers Out-of-Order


Taking in something out-of-context can have some dramatic results. I learned this the hard way with the ever-popular Marvel Avengers movies. I watched the Avengers out-of-order. The first one I saw was The Avengers in 2012. I hated it and considered it nothing more than a overly CG, way too much action, overrated comic book movie. I wrote the whole […]

Finding The Authentic Me

The process of developing a blog is not as easy as you think. Every time I sit down to write or think about what I want my future life and career to be. I get stuck, anxious, and overwhelmed by these questions, “Who am I?” and “Who do I want to be?” It comes down to values. What makes me […]